How Dems Make Life Better

  • • The Biden Administration has strengthened privacy protections for patients and doctors and defended in court women’s ability to access medication for abortion.
    • President Biden issued an executive order directing the Secretaries of the Treasury, Labor and HHS to explore ways to:
    - Improve access and affordability for over-the-counter contraception.
    - Ensure the right to travel across state lines to receive care.

  • • 14.8 million jobs were created in the first three years of President Biden’s term - more than any president in US history over the same period.
    • The unemployment rate has held below 4% for the longest stretch since the 1960s.
    • Hispanics, African-Americans, and people with disabilities now have near-record low unemployment rates.

  • • A $15 minimum wage was established for federal workers and contractors.
    • During President Biden’s term, the number of employees eligible for time-and-a-half pay significantly increased.

  • • The January 6th Committee investigated the 2021 insurrection and has started the process of holding people in leadership positions accountable.
    • Democratic state legislatures have enacted proposals to increase voting access, resulting in the enactment of 153 laws in 38 states.
    • Although blocked by the GOP, Democrats have worked relentlessly to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. Should Dems control Congress in 2025, voting rights bills will be a top priority.

  • • The Biden administration is cutting pollutants from new cars and light trucks, and promoting changes to the kinds of vehicles Americans drive.
    • The Inflation Reduction Act provides $369 billion for a climate initiative to reduce greenhouse emissions and promote clean energy technologies.
    • Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement, an international pact aiming for all countries to slash their greenhouse gas emissions.

  • The Biden Administration has:
    • Canceled loans of $153 billion for 4.3 million borrowers.
    • Helped more than 700,000 people access Public Service Loan Forgiveness.
    • Increased the maximum value of Pell Grants by $900 per year.

  • • President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act to enshrine marriage equality for same-sex and interracial couples into federal law.
    • The Pentagon eliminated restrictions on transgender troops, imposed by the Trump administration, and unveiled new rules designed to end discrimination and provide medical care for those service members.
    • President Biden appointed Jessica Stern as the US Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons.

  • • Unlike Republican policies that ban books and restrict reproductive health care, Democratic pro-family policies give Americans the freedom to make personal choices for their families.
    • President Biden signed an executive order directing federal agencies to lower the cost of child care and improve long-term care for older adults and people with disabilities.
    • Recognizing the need to curb large companies’ power, President Biden introduced an executive order in 2021 to protect American families from exploitation by excessively powerful firms.
    • Under Democratic leadership, Congress increased food stamps by more than $1 billion a month, provided needy children a dollar a day for snacks, and authorized the largest children’s summer feeding program in history.

  • • House Republicans are proposing to raise the Social Security retirement age, while Democrats have called for requiring the wealthy to pay more taxes so benefits can be enhanced.
    • The president has called for improving Social Security benefits for individuals with disabilities who “face the greatest challenges making ends meet.”
    • Recipients received increases of 8.7% for 2023 and 5.9% for 2022, the largest since the early 1980s.

  • President Biden:
    • Took on the gun lobby and signed the most significant gun violence prevention legislation in nearly 30 years.
    • Established the Office of Gun Violence Prevention, which in 2023 led to schools being awarded $286 million in federal dollars to support student wellness and school-based mental health professionals.
    • Took additional executive actions to keep guns out of dangerous hands and dangerous weapons off our streets.

  • • President Biden is the first president to visit a union picket line.
    • The CHIPS Act will bring back manufacturing from overseas and create good-paying union jobs here at home.
    • More than one million unionized workers who were poised to lose their pensions will now receive 100% of their promised retirement benefits for at least the next 30 years.

  • • President Biden has worked to protect and strengthen the Affordable Care Act. Now, millions of Americans are saving $800 per year on their health insurance.
    • The Biden administration took on Big Pharma to allow Medicare to negotiate lower prices for ten of the costliest and most widely used prescription drugs to treat cancers, arthritis, diabetes, and more.
    • The number of uninsured Americans hit an all-time low of 7.2% in the second quarter of 2023, while the number of people who signed up for an ACA plan for 2024 surged to 21.3 million.
    • President Biden lowered seniors’ healthcare expenses by capping out-of-pocket costs on prescription drugs at $2,000 per year, ensuring that people enrolled in Medicare will not pay more than $35 per month for insulin, and providing recommended vaccines for free.

  • • The 2022 PACT Act significantly improved healthcare for veterans by expanding access and providing disability benefits for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits during their military service.
    • President Biden issued an order making sexual harassment in the military a crime.