Handy all-purpose phrases

  • (Silently count to 10 after using these… and listen carefully to the response!)
    • Tell me more about that.
    • I’d really like to know more about…
    • That sounds really hard.
    • It sounds like… (try to summarize what you heard them say.)
    • (To gently redirect the conversation): I hear you. (Brief pause.) What I’d really like to know more about is ….
    • Make up your own! (Suggestion: create phrases that are curious, non-judgmental, and can’t be answered with yes or no.)

Eliciting change talk

  • If the person says…

  • You could say…

  • All politicians are crooks.

  • • It sounds like it’s important for you to support candidates who have integrity.
    • I’m wondering – if a candidate who really listened to you got elected, what would be different in a year?

  • My vote doesn’t matter.

  • • Could you tell me more about that?
    • It sounds like you wonder if one person’s vote makes a difference.
    • You must know family or friends that vote in elections … why do you think they vote?
    • I’m wondering, if you could change 2-3 things about XXX, what would they be?

  • I don’t have time to research the issues/candidates.

  • • You want to make sure your vote reflects your values.
    • I’m curious – if you were in an elevator with your congress member for two minutes, what’s one thing you’d ask them to change, and why?

  • Politicians make lots of promises, but nothing changes.

  • • It sounds like you have some ideas about how XXX could improve. Tell me more about that!

  • I haven't voted in decades.

  • • What inspired you to vote the last time you did?

  • I’m not interested in voting.

  • • Is there anything that might motivate you to vote?

  • My vote is private.

  • • I totally respect that! Thank you for being a voter. Could I tell you a bit about why I’m supporting Democrats?
    • I’m curious – would you be willing to tell me what issues are most important to you?

-Developed by Elizabeth Chur & Dr. Jackie Tulsky | For more info: www.talkwithvoters.com

Topline Messaging

    “We need leaders who care about our whole lives - from putting food on the table to seeing our kids grow up happy to having clean air to breathe and safe places to live. By electing Democrats, we can stand up to MAGA Republicans and their billionaire backers, make corporations pay what they owe, and ensure Americans of all races and places can earn a good living and have a good life - with the education and healthcare, housing and jobs that every family needs.”

    (Credit - From the Kitchen Table to the Whole House - by Way to Win and ASO Communications)

Change Conversation Cycle (CCC)

(Credit - JoinSmart.org)

Messaging Library

This library was created to connect with voters about critical issues and move them towards voting for Democrats. The Bay Area Coalition’s Messaging Library is for all our voter conversations – phone banking, canvassing, voter registration, or talking with friends & family. The messaging statements are based on the 3V messaging framework developed by communications consultant Anat Shenker-Osorio. 3V statements lead with shared values, name the villains and their motivations, and present the vision (and actions) of President Biden & Democrats.

Additional Messaging Resources

The DNC’s Reach App

REACH is the DNC’s new phone and desktop app, which provides an easy-to-use platform to initiate conversations and track interactions. The DNC is investing heavily in this app and asking volunteers to support this effort. When wearing Dems Make Life Better apparel, the REACH app gives you an opportunity to log voter data (with the voter’s permission) which will help make the Democratic Party’s outreach efforts more efficient. Its features help you enter data regarding an individual voter, just as we do during phonebanks and canvasses when we ask if they are pro-Biden or wish to volunteer.


  • You will need either an iPhone or an Android phone and/or a computer. Sign up for a DNC REACH Introductory Group Training Session. Although the program is not difficult to navigate, and there are program instructions on the DNC website, spending an hour with a trainer will ensure that you are ready to begin building your own REACH network.

  • Sign up for the DNC’s Reach Training