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We are hoping that people will spread the word by sharing the site with their friends, groups, and networks. Please feel free to copy and paste this message, or customize it personally. Please reach out to us at if you’d like us to provide images, or with any requests for additional ways that we can support your efforts. Thank you for helping us tell more people about Dems Make Life Better so that our message is spread as widely as possible before the crucial upcoming election!

Sample Email Template

Dear ________,

I’m excited to let you know about a new website,, that gives Democrats a great way to have an impact on the outcome of the 2024 elections, all while going about our daily lives! offers a range of merchandise for us to become walking, talking billboards for Democrats. These products give you opportunities to spark conversations, raise awareness, and inspire others to learn more about the positive impact of electing Democrats to lead our country. 

Top Democratic strategists, including Dan Pfeiffer of Pod Save America and Simon Rosenberg of Hopium Chronicles, have encouraged us as citizens to spread positive messaging about Democrats. The DMLB line of merchandise makes it easy to do so. Choose from unisex, fitted, and toddler tees in English, unisex and fitted tees in Spanish, embroidered caps, lawn signs, buttons and even a dog bandana. The site also provides resources to help us have constructive conversations with people we encounter along the way.

I hope you will visit the site, buy some products, and wear them while out and about. And please tell your friends! Let’s all start spreading the word - Dems DO make life better!

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